What size pump whould you suggest ?


Hello.. I have a 18W Custom Sea Sterlizer. I have two questions..
(1) The manufactor of the CS sterilizer recommends a Mag drive 7 for the unit,and on the other had recommends the flow of water passes thru the UV sterlizer slowly so it can work efficently. So, is the Mag drive 7 really needed ? Thats a lot of pumping power. Iam only bringing the water up approx. 4ft.
(2) How long before the bulb be replaced ?

tony detroit

Active Member
you can go a year on bulbs, but I'd go 10 months just to play it safe. If you can pass water through the sterilizer after filterpads and skimmer have done their job, this will lessen your cleaning of the unit. I run mine 36w off of a 400 gph pump.


Hey thanks for the info. ya know I had my sterlizer for about a year now. I purchased a bulb and replaced it. They are really unclear on the flow rate to be effective with this unit. I know on the box they recommend a specfic size of pump(mag drive700 which is larger that my purchase)how would you measure the flow rate ? well, I purchased a mag drive model #2 model which pumps 250gal. aday. Hope that does the trick.