what size tank needed in order to keep multiple angels and tangs??????


ok say i want to get a potters angel, flame angel
and a yellow tang, a purple tang, a naso... maybe other ones cant think off hand.
how big of a tank does it need to be in order to have multiples of the same species?
like 300 gallons? or more like 500?


Active Member
The smallest would be a 125 and even that would be a little tight unless you set itup race track style, best choice would be a 180 or 240


i would probably like to get a few larger angels as well.... do large angels go well with small angels?
also im talking not about the tank being able to sustain a certain amount of fish... but fish compatibility.


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
The smallest would be a 125 and even that would be a little tight unless you set itup race track style, best choice would be a 180 or 240
I think these sizes would be O.K. in the begining ,but when the fish got bigger it would be too small. I would start out with a 300 and then you would be good for a long while unless you are looking to upgrade within a year or so


Active Member
Originally Posted by misfit
I think these sizes would be O.K. in the begining ,but when the fish got bigger it would be too small. I would start out with a 300 and then you would be good for a long while unless you are looking to upgrade within a year or so

I like the way you think!


you may as well just go as big as you can afford because you always end up wanting more sooner than later.


Active Member
Because you thru in a Naso, I would say 180 or bigger. That fish gets huge and is very active. If you stick to smaller adult size fish/tangs, then smaller is ok.


well size is going to be at least a 300.... but my question is... are they compatible with each in a tank of 300 gallons?
i.e. several pygmy angels
several large angels
and several tangs


Active Member
300 gallons with a lot of LR shaped into Zones (swimming areas where teh fishes can feel like they own some space when needed and a lot of free space) - you can put all kinds of larger fishes in the tank.
300 gallons is great and if you can do 500, go for it - the bigger you go the closer to a natural environment you can get.


Active Member
Originally Posted by agoutihead
well size is going to be at least a 300.... but my question is... are they compatible with each in a tank of 300 gallons?
i.e. several pygmy angels
several large angels
and several tangs
Yes many species of those diferent families can be mixed in a proper sized and established tank. Some should not be. Best to research each species. A 300g is plenty for doing it but still can be overstocked depending on how many and what sizes of fish you put in. Goes back to the individual species you select.


i may be a little old fashioned but are there many of you out there even close to 300g??? i just got my 100g and i thought i was the man!
300 g.....to me that is just inconceivable! did you have to sell your kids? or car?


how do you feel about a coral beauty and a koran angel together in a 125 with a good amount of caves/live rock?


Active Member
you can do a few tangs in a 300 easily even somewhat large tangs at that but always add larger tangs last as they will show agression to smaller tangs of any body shape if added later.yes i have a 300 but im still trying to sell the kids lol but that is the largest of my 7 tanks