What size tank should I get?


New Member
I know "the bigger the better" and I'm not asking a minimum size, but what size tank would you recommend for a stock list as follows:
Regal angelfish
Humu Picasso Triggerfish
Clown Triggerfish
Undulate Triggerfish
Dogface Pufferfish
Porcupine Pufferfish
Papuan Toby Pufferfish
longhorn Cowfish
Camel Cowfish
Zebra Eel
Blue Hippo Tang
Yellow Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Hardwicke Wrasse
I know this will be a big tank!
What would you recommend if I wanted to throw in a californian round or cortez stingray and a coral cat shark?
Would these fish together even be compatible?
Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by hedgehog123 http:///t/391773/what-size-tank-should-i-get#post_3476203
I know "the bigger the better" and I'm not asking a minimum size, but what size tank would you recommend for a stock list as follows:
Humu Picasso Triggerfish
Clown Triggerfish
Undulate Triggerfish
Dogface Pufferfish
Zebra Eel
Blue Hippo Tang
Yellow Tang
Hardwicke Wrasse
I know this will be a big tank!
What would you recommend if I wanted to throw in a californian round or cortez stingray and a coral cat shark?
Would these fish together even be compatible?
Thanks in advance!
No sharks, no rays... I modified your list above.. Sharks and rays require LARGE systems when they grow older and outgrow their tanks.
I'm not a complete expert on aggressive fish, so I will let someone else chime in.


New Member
I plan to get this tank as well as a reef tank with seahorses and pipefish I had a few questions about that as well on another thread I posted if you want to help answer that too...