What size tank would i need for....?


ok well its time for me to upgrade tanks... i was thinking about a 125-150 someone already told me that i could keep all of the following fish in a 150
-1 Emp angel, 1 zebra moray, 1 gsm, 1 blue spot puffer, 1 niger trigger, 1 convict tang, and 1 purple tang
is that ok for a 150?
it would be fo with some lr...
thanks in advance!


Active Member
I personally would not keep those fish in a tank that small. 200g+ is what I believe you should be after.


Active Member
Don't know that eel, but I'm to thinking the others should be ok. Keep in mind, the trigger is going to get at least 15" along with the Emperor. Convict is a good choice, I like those.


Originally Posted by SaltFan
Don't know that eel, but I'm to thinking the others should be ok. Keep in mind, the trigger is going to get at least 15" along with the Emperor. Convict is a good choice, I like those.
well the eel is very friendly creature... so all the fish i included in the pics should be okay? would it make anyt difference if i went down to a 125 instead if a 135?


Originally Posted by promisetbg
Bluespot puffers are really not that aggressive..he may get bullied in there.
who would he get bullied by?? the trigger? the blue spot looks so cool! do u have another idea on a puffer to put in there? or another different cool looking fish!


Active Member
I would say that those fish might be okay in a 150 (long) but nothing smaller than that, since you are doing some fish that get pretty large.