if you do an internet search for dwarf lionfish or lionfish info sheet (its floating around the web) you'll find a few species that would work in your smaller tanks
Dwarf fuzzy (Dendrochirus brachypterus)is my first recommendation. Not because they are the prettiest, but the hardiest
Dwarf Zebra lions (Dendrochirus zebra)would be next and lastly Fu man chu lions (Dendrochirus biocellatus), which are the prettiest but the hardest to keep
In regards to a P Volitans or P Russells in a 29 or 55gal tank, lets just say that a Volitans lion will reach full size in 1 yr, thats 15" long and wide. Far too big for a 55gal, the fish won't be able to even turn around
Lastly, just remember that lionfish are piscavores and will try to eat most smaller fish, or as i say-anything that will fit into its mouth