What sized tank for lions?


I am very interested in lionfish and i read up on voltians and saw they get to big for my 29 and 55g tanks. Is there smaller types of lions that would do well in either of these tanks?


if you do an internet search for dwarf lionfish or lionfish info sheet (its floating around the web) you'll find a few species that would work in your smaller tanks
Dwarf fuzzy (Dendrochirus brachypterus)is my first recommendation. Not because they are the prettiest, but the hardiest
Dwarf Zebra lions (Dendrochirus zebra)would be next and lastly Fu man chu lions (Dendrochirus biocellatus), which are the prettiest but the hardest to keep
In regards to a P Volitans or P Russells in a 29 or 55gal tank, lets just say that a Volitans lion will reach full size in 1 yr, thats 15" long and wide. Far too big for a 55gal, the fish won't be able to even turn around
Lastly, just remember that lionfish are piscavores and will try to eat most smaller fish, or as i say-anything that will fit into its mouth


I have two volatin lions in my 55 and they are happy as can be. I have had one for 2 years and the other for a year and a half.
Now I have seen these fish get pretty large. Much larger than could live in a 55. Im not saying they wont outgrow the tank but mine were about 2.5 " when I got them and now the largest one is just under 4" in length.
So if you get them small you definatly have time to grow in the hobbie and get a bigger tank if thats the fish you wish to keep.


Yeah-- I agree 2" in 1 yrs is most likely NOT a P Volitans. Can you please post a picture.
I've kept many and honestly they all reached adult size in 1-1.5yrs. They went from little 2.5-3" to 15" in 1 year.



I have plenty more if you would like to see them. And I have had these guys as long as I said I have. The biggest ones body is maybe 4".


Active Member
Not to give you any more of an inquisition, but what is your feeding schedule like? I feared 'stuffing' s small one of these guys into my 125 fearing they'd outgrow it in a few months....


I feed them every two to three days. Rotating between raw shrimp, krill, & fresh octopus. They even eat seaweed flakes from time to time.


Thanks for the photos.
Ones a P Volitans and ones a P Russells.
Regardless, if you've had them for more than 1 yr and their still juvenile size, it is very different than what most people experience.
If you want to see what a 1yr old P Volitans/P Russells looks like feel free to look up the lionfish info sheet on google.
In regards to feeding , try 2-3 times weekly, fed to satiation (ie a small bump visible in their belly)


Thats when I usually feed them. I go by there bellys. I have seen these how big these guys get. My LFS has a huge one in there large DT. I bought these from *****.
Maybe this is not typical but I assure you these fish are very healthy & happy.
They look really healthy which is strange but I guess as long as there doing well thats all that counts. I wonder at this point are they at there max size or maybe they just havn't hit puberty


Active Member
It is strange that they havent grown fast, my newest has gone from 3" to 5-6" in the last 3 months, my other went from 3" to 8" in about 7 months, they are growing twice as fast as any other fish I have


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hammerhed7
It is strange that they havent grown fast, my newest has gone from 3" to 5-6" in the last 3 months, my other went from 3" to 8" in about 7 months, they are growing twice as fast as any other fish I have
Mine too; I got one last July that was less than 3"; now is about 8"; they don't waste a lot of energy just swimming in circles, so I guess all those calories go into growth. Many predators in the animal kingdom grow up fast.
As to tank size; I'm sure some will disagree, but IMO, either an antennata or radiata lion (both under-rated fish, IMO) can be kept quite successfully in a moderately stocked 55 gal.


I agree w/ you guys...
most of my lions grew to adult size in under 1.5 yrs. W/ P volitans/P russells reaching 12-15" pretty darn quick, like less than 1 yr. Even my P Radiata, P Antennata, P Mombassae reach adult size (about 8") in about 1 yrs. So the experiences above are not typical.
I will also agree w/ you that P Antennata and P Radiata are underrated, but compared to P Volitans/P Russells the mid bodied lions are more touchy, so more folks will have better success w/ the larger lions.


I have to say that I read somewhere (i dont remember where) that fish have some kind of hormones and if water is not changed often, this hormone concentrates in the water and it can "stunts" their growth. That's where the "myth" of fish grow to its enviroment comes from. Also, high nitrates can have a part in their growth rate. That's why the larger the amount of water, the quicker they grow!!! (in my experience) (by any means I'm not trying to say that this is what is definately happening here) ...it's just a thought.....
But I have to say that, they look AWESOME!