What Star?


Would like to add a Star Fish to my tank, its a 55gal. DSB and LR and reef safe fish, no coral yet, thinking about adding some shrooms later though! How do I know what Star would be best, I would like one that tends to help keep sand clean, maybe a sand sifter? Would like to be able to watch him so don't really want him buried in sand all the time although I guess I could get more than one kind!
You could get a sand sifter star those are great at keeping the sand clean the only down side is that you won't see him all that often another thing thats good is that they are very hardy as far as star fish go.
You could get a linka those are very colorful they come in several colors including blue red purple and I have even seen some orange ones, they love to be seen but those are very sensative to changes in salinity ans ammonia so you need perfect water for those.
there are also serpent stars those are good at stiring the sand to and they also make great addition to your clean up crew as they are great at scavaging,but you must be careful with those because I have accounts people getting there fish getting eaten while there fish were asleep but as with the sand sifting star they will stay hidden and only come out for feeding.
So if you want a great sand stirer get a serpent or a sand sifter but if you want a beautiful star fish thatwill be seen often get a linka.
Hope this aids in your choosing of a star fish