What temps do you run ur nanos?


Active Member
Just courius to what everyone runs there nanos at? And any reasons behind it?
In my 30 gal tank when it was up I ran it 80-84
In my 14 biocube its been 76-77 degrees. But I just turned the heater to 80 so ill see how everything does in a bit warmer water.
In my 5 gal tank its about 77-78


Active Member
in my 29g it was at 86 but leaving my fan on it went to 80-82. but the whole time my corals and fish were doing great.
my 30g long goes at 84
my 3g frag tank is empty with no water so its like at 80


considering both my 29 and 14 are piped together, I'm running 79.2-80.8. The reason for this is such:
No chiller, but have a heater, light schedule and ambient temperature of room tanks are in. I see that the temp wont go higher than 81.8 w/ lighting and it would go down to 78.2. I think that is too much room for temp change 78.2 -81.8, so I set my heater to kick on at 79.2 and the house cools it so it never goes above 80.8.


Active Member
I run mine at 76-78
I think that the optimal range is right there after reading ALOT about the temps corals really like. I would rather have it at a steady 76.5 or so but the chiller has to have a bit of up and down if you know what I mean.


Active Member
Well i dunno cause no thermometers. LOL. I did have one but it got covered in algae so i cant read em and the other needs a battery. Probably should take the dead one out of there since its just sitting in the tank.haha. But it used to be around 76-79


Active Member
Real reefs stay about 81F in the wild... People chill tanks to 76F to keep from feeding them as it lower metabolism. I even setup a tank that had torches, hammers, and euphyllias that ran at 84F and everything did great, but I fed all my corals often, did lots of water changes. I had my torches splitting every 2 weeks, it was INSANE!!!!