What the best fish for hair algae?


i was just dealing with hair algae. i wouldnt throw a fish in there to get rid of it.i scrubbed it all off my rocks then got phosfuard from lfs for about 7$ followed directions and it hasnt came back for over 2 weeks. are u using RO water?


Active Member
Finding the reason why you have it is key... but to help aid in getting rid of it... a lawn mower blenny will def help, depending on your tank size I know there is a tang or 2 that eats it, Im just not sure which ones they are. There is also a type of turbo that eats it, very similar to a mexican turbo but a different species Trochus sp. NOT Turbo sp. also labeled as zebra striped turbos, but without seeing their proper name common turbos can be mistaken for them. I have only heard stories of these guys taking hair algae down. But my LMB i have witnessed... hes awesome.