What the heck is it doing???


Active Member
Just got my GBTA today. It was opened and all pretty now all of a sudden it has this bubble parachute looking thing behind it. Is it moving? Is this how it does it?
Here are some pictures.
I tried to feed it but it wouldn't take it.



Active Member
Well apparently that is what he was doing. MOVING. Now as you can see below. He went in the very back. You can barely even see the tips. The ugly white rock is what he WAS on. So do I leave it like it is or move him. Should I change where that rock is so it isn't just jumping out at everybody :scared: or will he want it back. ***)


Are you sure its a GBTA? Doesn't look like one i've ever seen...
what kind of lighting do you have?
I would get it out from behind there.. Anenomes arent always the smartest and sometimes craw into bad situations.
If it stays in the dark it will die.


Active Member
lol ... it's finding its happy spot. It doesn't mean it won't move again though. (I think)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shnabbles
Are you sure its a GBTA? Doesn't look like one i've ever seen...
what kind of lighting do you have?
I would get it out from behind there.. Anenomes arent always the smartest and sometimes craw into bad situations.
If it stays in the dark it will die.

Well it isn't in the dark...YET. The LFS said it was a Green Bubble tip. It looks like the ones in the pictures I have seen, except that it isn't bleached.
For lighting I have 130 watts of PC in a 29 gallon tank


Active Member
Point a power head toward the bottom of it and it should crawl back up to get away from the high flow.


Active Member
Well I would have to put one in the tank. I have a wavemaker and don't have any powerheads in my tank anymore.
Should I just wait a while since I just put him in a couple of hours ago or go ahead try and get him to move?
I guess I should be a little happy - my clowns are starting to show a little interest in it
as well as my cleaner shrimp.


Active Member
If it has only been there a few hours let it move around. They need to find a place THEY like which is not necessarily where you want it. IMO, you should minimize and interaction with anemones other than feeding.


Active Member
Thanks Ophiura!
It actually sunk down by the intake on my filter. So I put a media bag over the intake to keep it from getting sucked in if it gets to close. Hopefully he will move back up to the top in a day or so. When should I try to feed it again. I tried earlier but I think it was in the process of starting to move when I tried. That is when I noticed the big bubble thing on it and posted the pictures.

gold strip

I would leave him alone for a day or two and let him explore. As long as your water quality is good and you have some movement in your tank he should be fine. If he doesnt move back into full light in a few days then you might move some rock around to expose him. They need the right flow and the right light and sometimes where they find one, they cant get the other so you need to rearrange your reef a little to change things up.


Active Member
Ok well I got it Friday and he is still moving all over. He is now climbing up my filter in the back. Should I try to move him yet? He hasn't eaten since I got him either. Should I try to feed it or give it a couple more days to "find his spot" then feed him?