What the heck is it?


My tank has been set up for a few weeks now and is cycling, on one piece of rock I started seeing these little guys popping up, they seem to be spreading. I have looked high and low online but can't seem to figure out what they are. Anyone know? and do they gotta go?


Looks like red bubble algae. Manualy remove them if posible. Try geting the Rock out wile doing a water change and use the water that your removeing from the tank to rinse out the rock. These bubbles when they pop they release spores that they use to spread. Try to remove them with out poping them. Good luck.


Thanks! they only seem to be on one small rock so I'm just going to take it out. Does bubble algae have a "stem"? I'm trying to get better pictures. They are a purple/maroon color and some have a stem.


Originally Posted by tpnel
Having a heck of a time getting a better picture...
I used to have some, in fact I am still removeing this stuff it spreads like wild fire. And yes some will have stems thats where you want to cut them.


Originally Posted by tpnel
I spent DAYS looking online and in a few hours you guys had my answer! THANKS!!!!

no problem, thats what we here for. Good luck with that and what ever you do dont pop the bubbles in the tank. They will over run your rock.