What the heck is this thing?


New Member
It came on a piece of live rock that I picked up. Its kinda in a hole, not in direct light (although even direct light in my tank sucks right now) :p it looks rilly like a carnation on the end, and its about 1/4 inch long. It hasnt moved in about 3 weeks. Anyways, here it is:

[This message has been edited by ODB (edited 07-02-2000).]


New Member
Well, seeing as I am on a tight budget, but I really wanted to upgrade my lighting, I went with lots of NO flourescent. I now have 200 Watts of 6500K lighting (so about 3 watts/gallon) Would this be sufficient for low light corals such as mushrooms, etc? What kind of corals would thrive under these lights?

mr . salty

Active Member
If I understand it right,with fluorescent,It's not so much the watts but the spectrum of light that supports various marine life. There are a number of active posts going on right now that are dealing with this subject. READ,READ,READ. STEVE