What the hell is it?!


Hey everyone. Haven't written in awhile! My tank has been up and runnin for about a year and a half. Got a lot of coraline growth that has really made the tank look awesome. I have got a tang, 2 clowns, a lawnmower blenny, and a goby. Everythings doing great. I was lookin in at the tank today and saw this crazy lookin thing. It looks like a slug b/c there is no shell. It is the color of my live rock. Purple and light green. Moves like a slug but extremely fast. Does not seem to be causing any harm at all just very weird. He came out of nowhere. Could it be some sort of nudibranch? It looks like he has a lot of legs. When I can get a good picture I will post it, but until then if anyone has any ideas let me know. Thanks


Active Member
Could it possibly be a stomatella snail? Just recently found one in our tank and was kind of freaked out till I found out what it was. Turns out to be very beneficial and sought after. Just google it and tons of pics will come up.