What to add next?


Right now I have a finger leather, a green brittle star, a peppermint shrimp, some button polyp colonies and I'm looking at getting two common clowns tomorrow. I want to get a new coral also, any suggestions? I'm kind of looking for an anemone that they could possible host in, even though its a low probability might as well give it a shot. Oh yea its a fairly young tank, just started at the end of July. So what are your suggestions?


Oh yea forgot about specifics about my tank, its a 30g cube, I have one powerhead can't remember the flow on it, a seaclone 150 skimmer, a Rena canister filter, and a 175w HQI with two 24w PC's. Also, LS and 30#'s of LR


If your cycle has ended and yor levels are 0 you can get the clowns. The anemone won't work yet and when it dies it will probably take the clowns out with it.


when I wanted to add a coral I would look to see what would look cool in the tank and went from there.alot of ppl don't seem to like mushrooms much but I do. they are hardy and their are some really cool looking one out there for sale. amenome's, I had a hard time trying to keep an anenome when I first set up my tank. I have heard that the bubble tip is pretty hardy, and the long tenticle is too. well the first anenome I had was a long tenticle. If you wnat an anenome for you clowns try the bubble tip. it is one of the anenome's I have now and he seems to be doing just fine. If you just want and anenome get a florida condi. I don't know of any clown that can host them but they are really hardy. plus I have noticed that when my water quallty starts getting bad they will shrink. thats how I know when it's time to do a water change. Good luck with your choice.


Yea I think i'm going to wait on the anemone for a lil while, will adding two clowns at the same time be a bad idea? I'm going to shoot for one medium and one small one, so I don't think that it should be that great of an increase in bioload. What's your opinions?