What to add with Damsels?


I have a 55 gal with 6 damsels (2 blue, 1 yellow tail and 3 domino. They chase each other some but it seems to be more of territory thing than out right hatred! What would be good to go with the damsels? I like them, the wife lieks them so thay are going to stay until they kill each other or get eaten. I would like to have some inverts as well eventually. Any Ideas? I am still very new at what fish can go with what.


Active Member
IMO, you are pretty close to your stocking limits now, so if you are able to add anythin, i'd have to say something fairly small and aggressive enough to withstand the torment of your damsels, so maybe
a dwarf angel or a tomato clown, but that would be about all that i would consider in a tank that size


Damsels are extremely territorial. I've been told by my lfs that if you rearrange the lr slightly, the damsels will have to restablish their territory, as they don't have much of a memory. That trick is also good if you want to add other fish into the tank. The damsels won't think it's their territory, because it's a little different. As far as the clean up crew and inverts, the damsels will be no problem at all.


Thanks for the info. Would this be too much???
6 damsels
1 snowflake eel
1 maroon clown
1 coral beauty


Active Member
IMO, yes, the damsels are about 18 inches worht of fish, the cb is 4, the snowflake is 24 , that is alot of fish for a 55, and you also mentioned a maroon which is 9, figure the size of the adult fishes