What to do about current UG filter?


Okay, I know the current understanding that UG filters are bad.
But what does one do if they already have one.
A have a 60 gallon cycling right now with live rock (doing it right this time).
My old 30 gallon I set up wit a UG filter and power heads.
Since I now know the UG filter to be bad, what do I do.
I can not move my current fish from my 30g to my 60g for another 4 weeks at least.
Should I turn of the currently running UG or power heads completly or try and remove them?
Should I just remove the powerheads and pull out the lift tube or block it?
Should I just wait until a month from now to move the fish and then do what needs to be done.
Bottom line, how bad is the damage occuring at the moment, leave it be or do something?
Thank you for any advise.


Active Member
As long as you are not having any problems then just leave it until you move everything into the new tank.


Active Member
well if you are worried about that happening soon.. you can get something to sift your crushed coral... im assuming that you do not have sand... lol... some type of sand sifting goby maybe?
How long have you had the tank with no nitrate/trite problems? If its been for a while i wouldnt worry about it.