What to do if you know for sure your fish is going to die?


Can anyone tell me what they do when their fish is going to die?Its so painful to watch him suffer. Do you let him continue to suffer until the end or do you "flush"? This is a terrible question, I know. Just wondering what others do.
Still watching,


Staff member
I just let them pass naturally. Yeah, I know its hard. But hard for who? You or the fish?
However, flushing is really not a good choice for euthanasia.
I'd like to see if Terry has some opinions on this, and perhaps the best way to euthanize a pet fish.


Active Member
I've heard of some people putting them in a ziploc bag of water and then placing the bag in the freezer. That way they just slowly pass out and then die. I always just let my fish pass naturally though I make every effort to save them.


Well, I dont know what else to do for him and I think this freshwater bath was his last. His gills are so swollen, he just lays up against the water intake vent and lets the water flow through them. I think he'll die naturally now faster than he would if I put him in the freezer. Its sweet and sad to see the other Clowns comforting him in his last hours.
I just feel terrible!


Staff member
I'm assuming the fish has parasites then?? Do you know what? You might should address the problem as the parasites are likely contagious.
Is it a new fish?


Yes, poor guy was(is) 2 weeks new. At first, thought it was parasites and treated with fresh water dips. Got better, then got worse (sort of 1 ahead, 2back)Then went to medicated dip for all. Others seem perfectly fine, but the littlest Clown has gone downhill fast. Once they get to this point, is there a chance he'll make it? I think todays freshwater dip just made him worse.


Thanks, Terry. I attempted to diagnose him on this board as soon as I noticed he was sick. Fresh water dips were recommended. Did that. When he didnt get a lot better, we moved on to Formalite treatment. Treated all the clowns. The littlest one WAS on the brink of death yesterday. I gave him another Form. treatment last night and today he is swimming around. His fins are tatty....will they rejuvinate? Or once tatty, always will be that way? Would you recommend another Form. treatment today? Symptoms today are...swollen gills, tatty fins and not eating.
Please dont misunderstand my original post. I didnt wait until the end to treat him. I have been aggressivly treating since the onset. But there may come a point of "no return". My question was about euthenizing or letting them pass on their own. Not meant to offend. I am a mom and I consider these fish 100% dependant on me. I am having a very hard time watching him suffer but at the same time doing all I know to do to save him. I feel bad enough about the whole thing.


Staff member

Originally posted by 9fishers
I attempted to diagnose him on this board as soon as I noticed he was sick. Fresh water dips were recommended.

Hey fishers, I did a serach and I see where I recommended formalin bathes earlier in the month. And your responded that you did a FW dip. :confused: Perhaps a misunderstanding here?
Hopefully the fish will make it at this late stage.