What to do next....


I have a 30g cube, with 30lbs LR and around 25lbs lace rock, about 25lbs of LS, 175w MH, 2x24w CF's, 150g seaclone, and a rena filstar filter. Right now it is stocked with 2 common clowns, a peppermint shrimp, a green brittle star, a purple pincushion urchin, a cleanup crew of just blue leg hermits and nas snails, xenia, a finger leather, and some green button polyps. Now for the question...
What should I get next? Granted my tank is just a little over 2 months old. I already have a kind of wish list, but I'm not for sure if my tank can handle them yet. So what are you opinions between...
-encrusting gorgonian
-green star polyp
-anemone bubble tip probably
-brain coral
-owl eye coral
-giant clam
Again I know for some of these they need an established tank, I'm just not sure how much of an established tank. So any direction here would be helpful, also any other corals taht I have left off of here that you think would be good for a beginner feel free to fill me in. Thanks for any help you can give.