what to do with a fish with ick


i just began my saltwater tank a couple of weeks ago. about a week ago i put LR in to start curing it, but i also have 2 damsels in it to help. someone told me i don't need to damsels in there, and i want to get it out but the damn things so too fast. the one defiently has ich, its got it real bad. i was wondering if he will just die soon, or if he will keep living with it. i want them both out of there, but i dont want to have to take out my LR and water to do so. please someone help!


yes, i've read that, but it's not helping. i have no where to put the LR, and i spent a load of money on it so i dont want it dying. all i need is a way to get the fish out of there without harming the LR. is there anything i can do to the tank to kill the fish but not hurt the LR? it sucks to have to do that but its my only option at this point. i'm not sure if i bought the fish with ich or not, so if they have had it for over a week then that means the parasite is all in my tank and thats another big problem. so if anyone knows a way for me to get the fish out without harming my LR, and without removing it since i have no where to place it, then please....big emergency!

nm reef

Active Member
If you have any container large enough to hold your LR then remove enough water into the conatiner to hold the LR....when the LR is out remove the fish. After the fish is removed leave your display without any fish....the parasite needs a fish host....for at least 6 weeks...I'd go 8 if it were me....after that the ick should be dead and you could consider a new fish addition. In the future though it may be a good idea to first quarentine all new additions.:thinking: