i just began my saltwater tank a couple of weeks ago. about a week ago i put LR in to start curing it, but i also have 2 damsels in it to help. someone told me i don't need to damsels in there, and i want to get it out but the damn things so too fast. the one defiently has ich, its got it real bad. i was wondering if he will just die soon, or if he will keep living with it. i want them both out of there, but i dont want to have to take out my LR and water to do so. please someone help!
i just began my saltwater tank a couple of weeks ago. about a week ago i put LR in to start curing it, but i also have 2 damsels in it to help. someone told me i don't need to damsels in there, and i want to get it out but the damn things so too fast. the one defiently has ich, its got it real bad. i was wondering if he will just die soon, or if he will keep living with it. i want them both out of there, but i dont want to have to take out my LR and water to do so. please someone help!