What to do with a Xanthid?


New Member
Well I couldn't sleep, had an annoying day....so what did I do - catch the teddy bear!
Yep after 4 days of distainfull trapping tonight I got close......you guessed it ended up ripping up over a quater of my reef tank! Was kind of used to the way it looked...they never go back the same. Oh well, I finally got it.
Here's the culprit a 3" (leg to leg) Xanthid crab, aka teddy bear, hairy crab, bristle crab, perhaps even a gorilla crab (though no black claws....oh those black marks on its underbody could have been the claws) or so I seem to have found out:

The little sods do seem to creat bigger holes in rock. But glad as I am to have him out I wonder:
Question: What To Do With It?
I know the LFS will take the freebee & will warn against small fish & reef use etc, but are these things too bad even in a FOWLR tank of deacent sized fish?? I.e. would it be irresponsible to give it them?
I do have a reacent FOWLR tank with a undulatus trigger & moray eel, but I am loath to disturb them as they are still settling in.
Don't know much about this crab apart from 'bad teddy' but I also don't like to kill it...boy it put up a fight!
Any ideas?
PS. Curious thing...when I was viewing the crab prior to attack, there was tiny fry swimming & swooping around practically on top of it in the LR. Odd it seemed not to be bothered with them (no not mini crabs). Perhaps they were too small be worried & were afforded a little protection.


Active Member
That thing is awesome!!! He still couldn't hang with a decent sized Trigger or Puffer, I would think someone could make a good home for him though


New Member
yeah, he kinda does grow on you, soft to touch too.
love to send him to you ironeagle2006 but I'm in the UK (will have to update profile).
yes also to the trigger, kind of figured he would nab it if he could find it. Got him in holding (fed him last night) goes to the good LFS in a bit. Never seen one before & wonder how big they get. Oh well, sure he'll get a good home.
PS. to Kjr trig - if you haven't seen my trig pics & vids check out thread 'looking for something unique'.