What to do with my lonely clown?


Well, I had a pair of true percula clowns. One the bigger one started acting weird not eating, hanging around the bottom and lost part of its color. I never saw any spots or any frayed fins, I didn't know what she had. I tried treating her with maracyn 2, but she past away. I believe it was because she wasn't eating.
I believe she was harrassed by my damsels. I ended up finding new homes for my damsels. My only fish left is my little tang, 2 hermit crabs and 5 snails.
My other little clown is very lonely. He keeps looking around for his little mate and can't find her.
I am debating whether I should get another clown? I really like my little clown. She is eating, but she keeps going back and forth and hanging around where my other clown was last.
Please advice, should I wait or try and get another one?


Thats so sad...you almost made me cry :( Sorry to hear about your lonely little guy. I will say I don't know enough to give EXPERT advice, but I say that if you have a cool LFS to give another clown a try and if it doesn't work take her back. Maybe he needs an anomne now. Hope it all works out, Good Luck! :D


Thanks for the reply. I am planning on getting a new mate for my little clown. All day he was acting very strange and wouldn't move from where there rock was. I don't know if he's waiting for her or knows that she past away.
He did eat, so I am happy about that. I am worried that he'll get too depressed and stop eating.