what to do with with the back chambers...


SI bought my girlfriend a 14 gal biocube, I want to keep it simple for her with as little maintenance as possibly which i know is only so much for a saltwater tank. I dont wanna bother with a skimmer for her and instead would like to setup a type of fuge for her. How does everyone use the three chambers in the back of their nano-tanks? What sort of lights do you use that fit on the hood and into the chambers? IM open to any and all suggestions!


Active Member
first remove all bioballs and false floors. next remove the sponge thats next to the return pump.
buy some chaeto and place it in the middle. add a small submersible light that they sell at home depot i believe and buy chemipure elite and purigen and place those media one in the first chamber and the other in the 3rd chamber


well I already took everything out, and i put some chemi-pure elite in the middle chamber as of now, i was ahead of the game on that.
So next im gonna go to home depot/lowes and look for a small (submersible?) light that fits in there. What does the purigen do? Does the light syle matter? Like LED over pc or xenon bulbs or anything? Do you have to worry about the light spectrum when it comes to cheato or will it grow under any white light for the most part?


Active Member
i heard that 6k or something around there grows well. get any type of light tho. something with that 6k or around.
and purigen
* Chemical filter media for fresh and saltwater aquariums
* Effectively removes protein and other organic aquarium pollutants
* Regenerate Purigen chemical filter media for extended aquarium use
Premium synthetic adsorbent removes soluble and insoluble aquarium impurities. Purigen is a macro-porous, synthetic polymer that removes proteins and a broad spectrum of organics at a rate and capacity that exceeds all other chemical filter media by over 500%. Controls ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate, by removing nitrogenous organic waste materials. Seachem Purigen also significantly raises redox to improve aquarium water quality and clarity.


http://www.lrtm.co.uk/#/pura-nitratelock/4534620111 i dont believe this is a competiting site so the link should be ok
if not here is info from one site
PURA NitrateLock rapidly removes and maintains extremely low to non-measurable levels of nitrates in fresh and salt-water aquariums. Long lasting, can be regenerated 100's of times.
Drastically reduces number of necessary water changes. Regeneration is accomplished with plain table salt, quick and completely safe.
Convenient to implement, comes with a 6" x 12" 300-micron media bag. Can also be used in a media reactor or fluidized bed filter.
Pura NitrateLock is a technical type product and must be used according to following principles for rapid removal of nitrates:
1. Organics must be removed with fresh carbon prior to use of the Nitratelock resin. Any carbon used to remove organics must have been placed into tank 1 to 5 days prior to use of resin.
2. The carbon must be implemented in a manner that forces the water through the carbon.
3. The Pura NitrateLock must be implemented within the enclosed media bag, a media reactor or fluidised bed filter for optimal performance.
4. In cases of higher nitrates, it is beneficial to regenerate the Nitratelock every 24 hours to aid in rapid reduction of the nitrate levels. There after, regenerate NitrateLock as and when required to maintain satisfactory nitrate levels.
In saltwater aquariums, expect half of the present nitrates to be removed prior to regeneration being required. After each regeneration half of the present nitrates will be removed.
500 ml - treats 50 Gal tank for up to 24 months


Active Member
well its like a chaeto. i will stick with chaeto which is known to help then this. not saying its bad. its just never heard of it and dont know anyone that has it. so idk what to say. but chaeto is the best for nitrates well IMO.


one mor question, i found a light system at lowes that is 3 rows of 3 leds (9leds total) and it totals 2.25W, would that be enough light for hte cheato?