What to DO


New Member
I'm new at this so please bear with me.I have a 55 gallon tank with 50 lbs. of LR. Started aquarium in Feb. added LR in March. The last of April added 2 damsels. later moved to another tank.Now in September, in tank,2 Seabae clowns, 2 Ocellaris clownfish,1 Royal Gramma, 1 Lawnmower Blenney, 3 Feather Dusters, 15-20 Nass. Snails, 1 Margaritra Snailamd 10-15 Turbo Snails.I have 2 Skilter filter- Model 400(filters 400 gph, for aquariums up to 100 gallons,SeaClone Protein Skimmer- up to 100 gallons,2 Powersweep Powerheads-160 gph, 1 Aquaclear Powerhead-270 gph.Lighting-Aqualight 260 watts. Run lights White- 7 hours- Blue-3 Hours. Feeding- once a day- as much as they eat in 3 minutes. Not much color on rocks. How can I get more color-Using Kalkwasserfor evaported water.Brown stuff all over rocks and crushed coral. What can I do to get rid of? Also can I use distilled water instead of RO water? Which is best? Also trying to set up refugium, Can I set this below the tank or does it have to be above it? Please if anyone has answers--REPLY QUICK!!!!!!


Active Member
Okay, lots of questions here, I will try to answer, but in the future, you may get more answers if you limit two questions per post.
1. We need test results for the following tests (the actual number result). Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, pH, alkalinity, Calcium, phosphate (if you can get it).
2. Are you currently using tap? you can use distilled water, but you will save time and money buying a RO/DI unit and you will know your water is good.
3. To get coralline to grow on the rocks, your pH, alk and Ca must be in the optimal level. pH (8.0-8.3) alk (7-9 dkh), Ca 400-450), plus be sure you have at least one rock with some good color on it and put it in front of a powerhead. I prefer to dose kalk with my evaporation water, but for a simpler approach, look at the two part additives. (like Kent Tech A & B)
4. A refugium can be place under the aquarium as well as above. to place it under or next to the aquarium you will need a HOB overflow. then a pump to pump water back to the tank.


New Member
Checked for the following today. Ammonia-0, PH-7.4, Alkalinity-180, Nitrite-0, Nitrate-30, Phosphate-.25, Calcium-460. I also have a door in this room so it gets light thoughout the day. Will it help if I make something to cover the front glass when we are out of the room or at work?