what to do


O.K. I hear the clicking and have had fish disapear in the past(not for three month) but have not seen any thing that looks out of place. I tryed the red flash light at night and sat there for hours on end looking for something that I dont know what it looks like. I have a trigger that does make noice but have excluded him.
fish that have disapeared are two purcs. one at a time porky puffer and a cleaner wrasse. No sign of any remains


Maybe the clicking is not a mantis shrimp. Does it sound like two long fingernails clicking? Thats what mine sounded like. Firstly, do you see any very simetrical circles in your LR? Their homes that they carve are very percise and look perfectly round. They also have "dust" or sand near their hole. Yow also may be able to see some feelers sticking out of the hole. THey are smaill and move slighty, and are clear. I got lucky because my came out at day and I saw him. THe traps didnt seem to work, so I just took out "his" rock. Its in the backyard now! Mantis shrimp are very annoying... but I'm not sure they could eat a Puffer. Good luck