What to do?


Ok.I have had my clownfish for almost 2 years now.He has always had a green carpet.Well the carpet died.Now the clown is attacking my puffer.My puffer though has been acting funny.I got the clown another anemone thinking he is just tempermental because of his loss.Nope,he took right to the new sebae and still attacks the puffer EVERY time he sees him.ANY suggestions????????


Active Member
Gonna have to take the other side on this one.
In my unprofessional opinion, I would say the clowns change in behavior is most definately related to the recent disruption in it's world.
Having a host anemone for over 2 years - that clown developed a behavior pattern - each and every day, mostly the same thing.
Eat, sleep, lay around in it's anemone for protection, you know - clownfish stuff.
Then bamm! No more anemone, no more buddy, no more safe haven. The clown was now out of it's normal 2 year old routine and developed a new routine.
I never asked a fish this, and if I do, I give you permission to call the guys in the white coats to come get me - but I would bet that most all fish have very basic needs, and do live by a developed schedule in our tanks.
There just ain't that much for fish to do in there ya know. Swim around, eat, produce wastes, sleep, pick at stuff on substrate and rocks, and interact with other tank mates and us - the great provider and caretakers.
The change in aggression towards the puffer may be short lived - or may have become the clowns new thing to do now, even though you got it a new sebae to hang out with - it may just find that pestering the puffer is fun thing to do.
Probably just a normal, evolved, instinctual response though.


Active Member
Point well taken Ed !
Who knows for sure - not me.
Fair enough ....
I've got the number on a post it note on my desk for future if needed.
1-800-rubber-room :)


Active Member
roflmao Ed !
Yeah toll free is always good.
Dialing phone ...
Hello, you do what ... talk to your fish ... ?
Please hold ........
Brief silence only to be interupted by Barry Manilow Muzak on the other end of the line .....
Yes, Hello .. this is the doctor speaking.
Don't worry about it ..... all reef keepers are nuts to begin with.


Active Member
I thought I was farily sane, then I found out I have flatworms. Siphon, siphon, siphon only to see them flick me off. lil bas$#$ds. But what they don't know is that I have some oomed, I just might nuke them if I can get the courage to do it. I have tried holding up the bottle to the glass in hopes they would see it and run in fear, yea right