What to do??


Active Member
OK my Tail spot blenny is now picking on my firefish. One of my firefish has gotten to where he stays hid all the ti me (unless I feed). What should I do? I have also noticed that he nips at my hairy mushroom once ina while. :mad:
Any suggestions??


Active Member
How big is the tank? When/what was added last?
Firefish are notoriously shy. If one was just recently added then it should correct itself with time. I once had a fairy wrasse hide for 3 months and only show up at chow time. Then eventually became part of the rest of the moving crowd. If he's eating...........that's a good thing.
Good Luck!


Active Member
OK - well my tank is a 29 gallon. The firefish was added on 12/16 those are the last fish I added. The blenny was added a couple of weeks before them. They were all doing fine, but the blenny has started being a little brat.