What to do?


OK, Right now I only have approx. 7 snails, and 2 scarlet hermits, and maybe 5 blue leg hermits in a 70 gallon tank. I know I need to get more, and I plan on ordering the $99 package from SWF today.
My problem is now I have a ton of growth in my tank. I am getting some green hair algae growth in the catcher for my wet/dry filter that hangs on the back, green algae on the glass, the bubble algae on the rock and now it looks like I might be getting just a small amount of purple algae on the live sand. I have had the tank up and running for approximately 1 month now. Should I do a water change? Will the bigger cleanup crew take care of everything? I know I need more live rock and am waiting until I get paid, as I only have 40lbs and want around 100 or so. Any advice would be nice as it seems now that my tank is getting growth every couple of weeks now. I dont want to ruin this thing as I want to start making it really look like a reef tank!


The cleanup crew package will help alot. For that size tank, you barely have enough of a cleanup crew now. Also, the tank is very fragile and unstable(by that I mean still working out the kinks). How are the water parameters so far? I would do a water change. Are you feeding the LS? Just a tiny amount of food for the LS is needed. HTH--Bob


The levels Nitrates, Nitrites, PH and such are all normal. I dont have a calcium or phosphate test kit to test those levels but everything else is good. I will do a partial water change and add a bigger cleanup crew and see if that helps.


Sorry Andy. I disagree.
The primary reason you should do a water change is to reduce nitrates (which I highly dought you even have if you are only at a 4 week mark...) Doing a water change now will set your cycle back.
A good tank should resemble the presidential rose garden by the time your done cycling. At that time if you drop in a cleanup crew, they will go right to work, and will know exactly what they are supposed to eat. If you put them in a sterile tank, they will find other stuff to eat, namely each other.
1> Dont do a water change.
2> Get more cleaning critters.


The tank has already been through it's cycle and all levels are good. This is the only reason I am adding critters already. All levels are fine, but I was also told to do water changes (10%) monthly, and since my cycle has been done since the first week, it has actually been about 7 weeks since it was setup.


Like the previous post, I was wondering if you are using tap water. Phosphates could be your problem. You might want to get a test kit and see what you level is. If it is high a phosphate sponge and a DI unit might need to be your next purchases.
This hobby can bleed you dry! But we all seem to love it! I got paid today, so I will most likly visit my favorite LFS on Saturday!


I started with Tap water, but I now use RO water after buying an RO filter that hooks to my kitchen faucet. I am getting such a mixture of different algaes it is kinda strange.
I have a dark red algae that looks kinda like glass.
I have a bright red algae.
I have a really really bright green algae.
I have algae that kinda looks like a bubble (bubble algae)
I have regular green algae
And I even have little stalks that almost look like grass is growing. I was thinking of picking up a phosphate kit this weekend.
What about lighting too? I have 1 PC light that supposedly emits like 12k of blue? I think that is right, working off memory. I want to get some VHO lighting but I will have to wait on that for a bit. I already have some snails and hermits, but just seems like they cannot keep up. I am hoping this new cleanup crew will do the job so I can add more live rock for better filtration as well.
I also heard a protein skimmer might help. If so what type should I get? I would prefer to have something that sits in my wet/dry instead of on the back. Any advice you all can give would be great.
BTW: Do they make a vho light that will sit under a hood so I dont have to hang it from at the ceiling?
[ June 15, 2001: Message edited by: andymi ]
[ June 15, 2001: Message edited by: andymi ]


Active Member
Hey, I've seen vho lights that have their own cradle that sits on top of the tank and holds the lights about 3 inches up. (Set up included a fan.)
Hope that helps! :D