What to do?


I am planning on buying a 90 gallon AGA reef ready tank after christmas (Couple days after xmas). i am getting 200lbs of Southdown this weekend for the tank's DSB. What can I do with the sand or anything else to get ready for a more instant start-off to the 90. I have a 38 gallon running right now, thats been running for about 4 months. It's nothing to impressive but what Can I do with it or the new southdown to prep something for the new tank? Could I put some base rock in the 38 to get it ready for the 90?


What about for Base Rock.. so i can get it more ready for the 90 gallon i'm settin up..
Also, What can I do to help prevent clouding of water when I set the new tank up with southdown. Can I put southdown and then just have base rock running with powerheads for a little while till I get more money to enhance everything.


That does help, thanks... What do I put in the water to get the sand to develop bacteria? Does that rubbermaid tub need to be lighted? or can It just be in a room where the lights can stay on?
Would it be better if I used a rubbermaid tub that was long wide but not very tall at all.. So I could have alot of surface area?
I am going to just cure the Base Rock in the 38 Gallon Tank I have now..