Originally Posted by dangalla
so i should be ok with the frozen brine shrimp and mysis i bought him yesterday?
he did not eat it yet, but he did not take the trip too well, i am really hoping he makes it. when i left for work he was "resting" in a rock crevice. when i first put him in the drip tank to acclimate him he was swimming sideways and every now and then he would just float. so i held him for about an hour so he could rest and catch his breath. when i put him in the tank last night he swam over to the rock he was laying in this morning and just stayed there
Yeah, he will take some time to eat...Brine will likely be his favorite, but don't do too much, the nutritional value is not as high, he can live on it, but won't grow as rapidly IMO on brine. Mix in some good flake food for him too.