what to feed a sixline


sinner's girl

"Six lines are pod eaters when there new to tanks which don't have a pod eater present they will have a smorgasgborg at first trimming down the excess pod population."
what are pods? How do I know if they are in my tank? Do 6-lines eat anything esle? by it's pic it just says it eats off lr.
I'm thinking of getting one...let me know if I don't have what is needed for the fish.


Pods or copepods.. tiny little critters that live in you sand bed and live rock.. easily seen scurrying around after lights out.. use a flashlight shine er' in there .. see if you can see any it's a pretty sure bet that you will..
sixlines like any other wrasse eat other smaller creatures.. mysis, gammera, copepods, even flatworms..and many also take to added foods flake frozen.. but as long as you have a well established tank you should be ok with a sixline..good luck with him they're really cool fish..

sinner's girl

We don't have a sand bed we have cc will this matter?
The tank has been up for over a year.
"many also take to added foods flake frozen" but is this a healthy diet for them? I can feed him flake or frozen brine without a problem...but I want to keep him heathly.
I'll check the tank after the lights are off tomorrow night (i'm not going to be home tongiht)look at what I can find.


Active Member
FWIW... my 6-line eats whatever he can get in his mouth. Flake, frozen brine, pods... he even pics at the scallops and shrimp I put in for my bigger fish.


six lines eat copopods like mentioned above , mine also ate bloodworms when i fed them to the tank. if your not sure you got a good population of pods in the tank, you can buy them at <a href="http://www.ipsf.com" target="_blank">www.ipsf.com</a> if you want to make sure.