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Ok, the lion ive wanted is at the lfs and in qt. I know what the lfs says to feed it and what this website says but im curious as to what the people on here recommend. I want it to be healthy and any and all suggestions will be at least tried. Its a dwarf fuzzy lion and so far looks very healthy and is eating krill. Any other suggestions on care would be appreciated as well.
Don't use krill as a staple of the lion's diet. It's okay for an occassional treat but offer it a variety of meaty foods. Mine get chunks of sea scallop, raw shrimp with the shell on, silversides, chunks of raw crab meat, boneless whitefish, squid and octopus. Soaking the food in selcon or zoe is a good idea. Remember not to feed it every day. 3 times a week is fine and they will get adequate nutrition. One of the biggest contributors to health problems and prematue death is overfeeding them. How big is the specimen you're getting? What species?