What to feed my clowns?


I have a pair of black and white saddleback clowns and a bicolor blenny in my 24 gallon tank. I have had them for over a year now. I usually feed them cyclopeeze soaked in garlic or selcon or they get marine flakes (dry food). I feed them a thawed frozen shrimp soaked in garliic about once a week.
They look great and always eat what I feed them, but I wonder if there is something healthier they should be eating.
They don't seem to like Formula One frozen food (I think its the gel binder in it) and they don't like frozen brine shrimp either (which I know arent nutritious).
I often feed them flake since it is quick and easy and since my bicolor blenny can eat that as well.
What do you feed you clowns?


Active Member
I try to keep things mixed up a bit in my tank. My Maroon eats Mysid, Omega One Marine Flakes, Formula One as well as Prime Reef and Nori Sheets. I think variety is a good thing!!!


This is gonna sound stupid but the guys at my lfs ( who I do trust, They are the pres and vp of the florida reef association ) recommend "spectrum Thera + A by New Life" it is a very small non medicated anti parasitic sinking pellet. It is made from krill and herring protein and many other key ingredients like garlic, algae, fish oil, etc and not to mention a full assortmrnt of vitamins. My clowns, gobies, and even anenomies devour it.


I feed my fish 15 different foods once per week. They have great color and health. Variety is deffinately the key. I feed brine shrimp, cyclop-eeze, mysid shrimp, table shrimp, crab, clam, squid, scalops, plankton, clanus plankton, copepods, marine algae, spuralina flakes, reef bugs, and I soak there food in selcon. Call me crazy, but my fish feed very actively and are very colorful and disease free.


any one food is not the best choice. They are all good choices. Feed as much variety as you can. Thats what I do. Fish seem to be happy and color is good. Like in the prv posts, mix it up as much as possible.