What To Feed Polyps, Zoos, And Mushrooms?


what do i feed polyps, zoos, and mushrooms? aside from light, is there any crucial food for these guys? phtoplankton? thanks


We feed DT's Phytoplankton & also Marine Snow. Both are referigerated products. I also spotfeed my Elephant Ear mushroom & the other mushrooms who are "bumpy" with meaty food such as mysys shrimp. My yellow polyps also will catch meaty food & eat it. My green star polyps never catch anything to eat, even if I spot feed.
I'm not positive if our zoos, mushrooms, & polyps are eating the DT's and Marine Snow (we have other corals that are filter feeders, so I know they eat it...)


Active Member
Originally Posted by crazyzeus1
We feed DT's Phytoplankton & also Marine Snow. Both are referigerated products. I also spotfeed my Elephant Ear mushroom & the other mushrooms who are "bumpy" with meaty food such as mysys shrimp. My yellow polyps also will catch meaty food & eat it. My green star polyps never catch anything to eat, even if I spot feed.
I'm not positive if our zoos, mushrooms, & polyps are eating the DT's and Marine Snow (we have other corals that are filter feeders, so I know they eat it...)
That's what I do as well.


DT's phyto and Cyclop-eeze here. Fine crushed flake food in water and then gently squirted at zoanthids works well if need be.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crazyzeus1
I'm not positive if our zoos, mushrooms, & polyps are eating the DT's and Marine Snow (we have other corals that are filter feeders, so I know they eat it...)
What kinds of corals of yours are filter feeders?


We have a Colt Coral, Spaghetti Leather, Xenias, Green Star Polyps (? not sure if they filter feed)...
I think they're all filter feeders. We also have Porcelain crabs that are filter feeders.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bigpete
thanks everyone. i think i will pick up some bottled phytoplankton...? good idea?

i also use DT sometimes for a few of my corals but with zoas i find it to not be needed at all. i see no difference in color or growth when i feed them. maybe it is becasue we have so much lighting?? Since i saw no difference i decided to stop so i was not adding anything to the water for nothing. i have read they can be fed but i dont think i have seen anything saying they need to be