what to feed really small clowns?!


i just got 2 perculas, they are about an inch long, and they arent eating! ive tried finely chopped mysis, regular mysis, and rotifers, what else can i try?


If you just got them I would not panic right away, sometimes they need time to adjust. The cyclopeeze is a good suggestion, I would try live brine as a last resort, I'd think they can go a few day without eating with no ill effects. I have never tried but have heard adding garlic may intice them too.


I was feeding my tank only brine. At the advise of the members on here I started feeding mysis and my whole tank went crazy. I did have to use garlic at first but only for couple days. Good Luck though


ok, so i was at work and in meetings all day until 7pm, and all the local fish stores close at 6-7pm so i was unable to go buy new food.
there is however a p e t co up the street from me and as a last resort i went in there to see what food they had. they had brine and stuff but it was all frozen, nothing live. and they didnt have brine eggs for me to hatch em myself. so i got pellets. according to swf.com's page, clowns like pellets. so i tried them, and one of the two ate one pellet, and the other didnt.
so frustrated. still not eating. or if they are, they are waiting until im not looking.
im going tomorrow to my lfs to buy live brine, and a garlic/vitamin soak.
now, cyclopeeze, is that frozen? what is it? do local fish stores normally carry it? i called one of my lfs and they said they didnt carry it. Im looking at their website now, and it looks like the smallest container of it is $200+ ??? is that right? am i lookin at the right thing?


Active Member
Uhhh, no. They have frozen(preferred) or the dry. I buy the frozen stick at my lfs, costs about $4-5 bucks. It lasts me for over 6 months. Fish and coral love it, just have to be sure not to overfeed with it.


Active Member
I use the dry. comes in a little container like flake food. I do think my lfs has it in cubes like mysis also.


live brine, they nipped at them, ate a couple, but didnt really eat em, most of them got sucked into the filter.
im gonna try mysis in a garlic and vitamin soak tomorrow


Frozen cyclops-=cyclopeeze comes in a pack of cubes. 30 cubes for $4.95 or try frozen baby brine and soak it in a vitamin like zoe or selcon. The mysis might be too big for a 1" clown unless you have bigger fish in the tank to eat it.


tried cyclops + garlic/vitamin soak tonight, they ate it but, they didnt eat much of it. but at least they ate it.
they are doing this thing, and have been doing it ever since i got them, that they like to swim against the back of the tank, at the top of the water, like sideways.
no, they are not dead, they are flappin around as happy as ever, but they just stay up there, as if their perception of the world is all screwed up... any ideas?