What to get?


well, I'm gettin ready to start buying and putting together my 400 gallon pond (yes, its official, 400 gallons for $250
). Anyway, I would like to get a nice fish that will get large that will get along w/ the sharks and ray. Heres the few im currently stuck between. remember, these are "Or", not an "All" list.
Oriental Sweetlips
2 lookdowns
2 porkfish
argus grouper
whitespot grouper
Since im stuck, thought id get some opinions
Fire them opinions at me


Personally - I'm not that partial to keeping tangs with sharks & rays. Mostly because tangs are prone to getting ich. And sharks & rays don't do well with ich treatments.
If you plan to put tangs in with sharks - make sure to QT all your fish before putting them in your main tank.
For a 400 gallon shark/ray tank - i would suggest the following fishes.
Small groupers/sea bass
small eels - such as the snowflake


The porkies all the way, you could do a nice little school. Great fish with a better sucess rate then the sweetlips. You should look into some snappers like the hi-fin snapper!

30-xtra high

Active Member
go with the porks, sweetlips never make it long.., and porks you can have a couple, and they're a nice dose of color.