what to get....................


Active Member
Ok so I want to get either a tunze w/ controller or an ecotech . I hear the tunze can not be throttled back like the ecotech but the eco tech can have problems and give off a horrible humming noise. Any truth to this?
Users chime in and give me your opinion.


Active Member
Most Tunze streams are completely controllable, but some of the smaller models are not. It will usually say whether or not it can be linked to motor control. The downside of the streams is that they need to be in the tank, and are a bit bulky. Awsome units and work great. I'm running two nanostreams (6025, and 6045) in my 55.
The Vortec pumps look awsome, take up little room, have great flow, and have battery back-up systems. The price is a bit steep though IMO.