what to get


Hi, I have a 55 gallon that needs some renovations. With the renovations I will be getting some new inhabitants. I would some feed back to the combination I was thinking about getting. I have narrowed it down to a coral banded shrimp, a cleaner shrimp, royal gramma, percula clownfish, some chromises, firefish goby, and a sixline wrasse. I am not thinking all of my choices would fit, I am just asking what combinations you guys would recommend. Such as how many of each kind and what kinds to get. Right now the aquarium only has a clean up crew. It has about 40-50 lbs of lr with cc. After the renovations if I have the money I am going to get live sand.


Active Member
Sounds like a pretty good mix. I would ax the chromis myself, and add 2 clowns. It's always possible that your sixline may harass, or eat you shrimp. It's kind of hit or miss with them. Other than that just be sure to add them slowly. Start with the clowns, then a few weeks later the gramma, couple more weeks add the firefish, and then the sixline. You can add the shrimp when you add the clowns. Also may want to add a few more cleaner shrimp to the mix.