what to look for when buying LR??


I'm just wondering if there is anything I should look for or to avoid when buying LR. I've been looking at getting some rock from local reefers near me instead of a shop because it's 5-6$/lb at the LFS. Thanks in advance!!


Active Member
I bought alot of LR from a lfs and it was in a refugium. When I got it home, Boy it had alot of aiptasia on it. I bought a peppermint shrimp and it took care of it. When I am looking at LR, I go for nooks and crannies and also holes all the way through. Personal taste I guess. I bought some also with calaerpa (sp) on it and to me that looks so great in my tank.


Active Member
Just make sure they're cured when you buy them so you don't have to cure them on your own. I'm getting some LR from my local shop soon once I purchase the right protein skimmer that I would like. Good Luck!!


Active Member
If you are going to be putting the rock into a tank that isn't cycled, buy uncured rock and save a bundle.....plus it will help your tank cycle.
Look for rocks with interesting shapes and good purple, coraline growth. Ask to pick the piece of live rock up so you can see if they are overly heavy. Avoid rocks that seem heavier than their size would normally indicate.


stoopid noo-b q here, but i had a lot of growth (plants, looked like grass almost) on my LR and my emerald crab has since eliminated most of it. Is this a good thing or a bad thing, or doesnt it matter at all?

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by derxz
I'm just wondering if there is anything I should look for or to avoid when buying LR. I've been looking at getting some rock from local reefers near me instead of a shop because it's 5-6$/lb at the LFS. Thanks in advance!!
...If buying "cured" LR I look first at the over all shape.....I also consider the smell.....a clean sort of "ocean" scent vs a rancid decaying stench. Then I try to insure pests like unwanted algaes and stuff are not a problem. Most of my LR has been purchased locally a few pieces at a time...I'd much rather hanf select pieces to fit my needs than buy in bulk at random.
Now if you are setting up a new system then maybe buy several lbs of uncured LR and let it be the primary source of ammonia for your cycle...then hand select pieces individually to finish the structure off after the cycle completes. :happyfish


Active Member
It doesnt matter if your crab picked it all off... its actually his job to clean up algae.
As for things to look for on LR... I try to look for pieces with good holes for things to hide in. Also I try to examine pieces for life I would like in my tank.. for example around here in FL a lot of the rock has christmas tree worms on them, if I can find a piece with lots of these OR a certain color of one.. I buy it. I also like colony worms that frequent a lot of rocks from FL.... if I see rocks with those I snatch them up so fast. Like mudplayer said.. get light weighted rocks.. more bang for your buck. Try to avoid rocks with a lot of black on them, its dying sponge and unless you're cycling your tank.. putting a piece of rock with a lot of that on your tank can be bad news. Also its better to stay away from rocks with lots of aptasia on them, unless you feel confident in being able to eliminate them swiftly.