what to put in 40gallon?


what kind of fish would you put in a 40 gallon ong tank? 36long x 18wide x 16high. I am looking for some really cool fish. Is it big enough for any small tangs??


Active Member
40gal is a very nice sized tank. Are you going to want to convert this into a reef down the road?
Here are some fish to look into....
wrasses - sixline, eightline, fourline, yellow 'coris'
pseudochromis - fridmanii, springerii, strawberry, flavivertex, neon
grammas - Brazilian, royal, black cap
hawkfishes - longnose, flame, falco, spotted
chromis - green, blue, blue-green, purple
cardinalfish - pj, bangaii, flame
dwarf angels (further down the road) - flameback, coral beauty, flame, eibli
clowns - percs, clarkiis, marroon, tomato, cinnamon, saddleback, skunk, etc.
jawfish - yellowhead, dusky, tiger
gobies - sleepers, watchmans, prawns, etc.
blennies - bicolor, redlip, lawnmower, midas
I'm sure I left something off of the list, but all the fish I mentioned are pretty hardy for the most part. Some are a lot more aggressive than others. Do some research and chose wisely. Bo


However if you do want to make it into a reef tank you shouldnt get any hawkfish because they will eat any hermit or shrimp that you would add. Dwarf angels are my personnel favorite and you have the space for one.



Originally posted by TimO
Did you just say that a hawkfish eats hermit ...crabs?

...mistake, TimO?
well, if you do have/get a hawkfish and your hermits start dissapearing...


I've had a Hippo tang and a kole tang in my 35g for 2 years now and they are doing just fine!!


Active Member

Originally posted by Nerdy
I've had a Hippo tang and a kole tang in my 35g for 2 years now and they are doing just fine!!

Unfortunately, the fact that all is 'fine' is, in fact, and indication that it is not. Healthy tangs would have outgrown that tank by now. Contrary to popular belief, fish do not grow to the size of their tank, but they may become stunted do to cramped quarters...a very different phenomenon.