i have a 80 gal tank and not sure of what to puit in it. i have about 50 lbs live rock, turbo crabs, hermit crab and a decorating crab. what would go with this?
I was told some engineer gobies, scooter blennies, Ocellaris clowns, sixline wrasse, peppermint shrimps and maybe a wolf eel would be suitable for my size tank. Is this true or is that too much, would they clash.:help:
if you put a wolf eel in there.... in about a month that is all that will be left. he WILL eat ANYTHING that fits in his mouth and may rip chunks off of things that don't fit in his mouth:joy: cool eel
go for a snowflake eel! they stay relativly small and are very docile. i have had one for a couple of months now and he is very gentle. i can hand feed him and at times he swims in and out of my hand when i put it in the tank. to top it off, he is a beauty! def. check those out. very cheap too and easy to get a hold of. for fish... i would reccomend these( just ideas dont put all of em in!)
1.yellow tang
2.perc. clons or maroon clown
3.dwarf angels
4.lion fish
6.wrasses(no cleaners! they are hard to keep)
7.royal grama?
its really up to you just use common sense
good luck!