What to put in my 120.


I recently acquired a 120 gal from a friend of ours. Since this tank will be next to my 125 I would like it to look different. I still want corals and fish but I would some things that would not necessarily be compatible with my 125. I am looking for either some suggestions, websites or books that have different setups. I already have some fish, corals and live rock that came with his tank. Some I put with mine but most of the fish I have in a 29 gal. I was lucky and so far everything has survived. This is a list of what I have. I will try and put them in the 120 or trade them.
1 spiny urchin
1 coral banded shrimp
1 Vlemengi Tang
3 Percula Clown Fish
1 PJ Cardinal
1 Flame Hawkfish
1 Coral Hawkfish
1 Flame Angel
1 Damsel
1(Orange Fish that I have not identified) Looks like a Lyretail Anthias
1 Diadema Dottyback