what to put in my 55gal?


New Member
I am currently in the process of setting up a FOWLR saltwater tank. I have a 55 gal tank with a Fluval 304, heater, powerhead, and a protein skimmer. I will be adding LR to aid in biological filtration. I was looking at a few types of fish for my tank. I really liked percula clown fish, yellow tang, blue tang, butterflyfish, and surgeonfish. I was wondering what a good combination of those fish would be to add in my tank? I would also like to add a starfish, shrimp, and maybe some other inverts. What would you guys suggest adding to my tank? I'm looking for a nice peaceful and colourful setup.


People are going to say a blue tang/yellow tang and most tangs are too small for a 55 and they're right. Coral Beauty/Flame Angel/banded butterfly might work, i have a dot dash butterfly and that would work/royal gramma/firefish all those should work etc. i mean not all of those together but you can figure out something in that line. i'm sure there are wrasse that would be good for a 55 also. I think most tangs get pretty big and need at least a 75 gallon.


yellow and blue tangs are surgeon fish, but like he said above the tangs are too big for that tank. you might be able to get away with a kole tang, but even that might be pushing it. i wouldn't also suggest a butterfly fish especially since you have a new tank. most butterfly fish die, but there are some people that have had success with them. i would suggest stuff like coral beauty angels, cherub angels, royal gramas, clowns, lionfish, or even a humu humu trigger(can be aggressive though so if you want this you should keep your tank aggressive and can cause problems)