what to put in new 29 gallon


after a few months of sneaking around on this board, I'm starting a new tank(29 g.). my question is I want to start my research on different fish I may want to keep, what fish will do good in a 29. the only thing I know for sure is shrimp. I'd do a shrimp only, but my wife vetoed that : :rolleyes: . so any suggest would be great thanks rick


Active Member
Fish that I would consider include the Pygmy Angels, such as the KeyHole or the Coral Beauty, smaller Gobies, such as an Engineer Goby or Twinspot, the Firefish or Dartfish Goby/Family, a favorite, some Clownfish, and if you are so inclined, maybe 2-3 Damsels by themselves. I'm not saying get one of all, I'm just saying that these are good, smaller fish. Especially the Clowns, who are practically genetically geared for tanks. Even in the Ocean they are restrict themselves to a very small area surrounding the host anemone, so they are perfect for the captive aquarium.
Also, a couple of Fish Families to avoid. Avoid any of the Groupers, most Eels, most Scorpionfish, all Tangs, all Butterflies, all Large Angels, any Sharks obviously, and most importantly, don't...look...into...the...paisly...light... Meaning, don't go out and get a Mandarin, as even a few months on this board should have taught you.
I've left off a lot of canidates for smaller aquariums, and that's mainly because I've forgotten them, but some of them I left off because I don't believe they are suited for a smaller Reef community. I've also left off a number of families that should be kept out of your tank, and hopefully some other members will chime in with ones to avoid. Good Luck and Welcome to the Board!


Active Member
I think clownfish, chromis, gobies, blennies, a dwarf angel, hawkfish, and maybe a small wrasse would be good. But not all of them. In my tank i'm just going to have my little yellow tail and a ocellaris clownfish. If all goes well with those I might add one more small fish but thats all that i will have.


Active Member
firedad - what kind of shrimp??? I think you could also look into jawfish, clown gobies and check out some shrimp gobies - they often times pair up with pistol shrimp tend to be very beautiful ....


Are you going to have a reef tank or fish only? DSB? Live rock? sump/refugium?
Also, I am sure you know this, but make sure your tank cycles before adding fish. I would advise against using damsels to cycle a 29 gallon as well, because you will most likely not want to keep them, and they will be difficult to remove.
I am a big fan of mated clown pairs with a bta, but you will need to wait a good six months before adding an anemone.
A pair of banggai would be nice as well.


chromis and other damsels, jawfish would be kewl, definetly a maited pair of clown fish! a pair of cleaner shrimp are neat to watch too...