What to replace Lawnmower blenny with....


Tonight i will be chasing after our lawnmower blenny again.... (he has been trying to kill our seahorse)
ANyway- with no Lawnmower Blenny- what should i get to eat our hair algae? blenny has been doing a really good job- and i want to make sure we get something that can do it just as good.....
I thought of a tang- but figured it might be too large for a 55 gallon, but i coudl always trade it back when it gets too big for the tank...


Active Member
Scooters mainly eat copepods. The best way to get rid of some algea is get a good clean up crew. Mithrax crabs, scarlets, blue legs, and some snails should do a number on that algea. Sea horses are so passive, I believe that they should have their own tanks w/o any other fish. Bo
edit: I see you have a clean up crew. You could maybe try another lawnmower blenny. You possibly couldve just gotten an agressive fish.


i was thinking about trading him in for another lawnmower, but the thing is- ours got along fine for 3 weeks with the saehorse. then all of a sudden he went Pyshco and started his seek and destroy mission.


lawnmower blennies it can be come very territorial/agressive at some point for whatever reason...our rules the tank now sometimes leaving his blenny mark kiss on the juvi trigger or the domino damsel; but only when they antagonize it or vie for the blenny's favorite spots...sometimes it will even make a loud grunting noise when doing so