What to tell my mom


i will most likely be allowed to get a saltwater tank setup but my mom is always like "why dont you get a freshwater instead they are alot cheaper and easier to take care of"
"the fish are just as pretty" i dont think they are...

so what were your thoughts on having a saltwater rather then a freshwater?


Active Member
You can have a reef. The fish are a lot more colorful IMO.
Just show her some pics of some reef tanks from here. I think Murph has an AWESOME sps tank.


Tell you mom that you want a marine tank so you can learn about biology, chemistry, and zoology. If that doesn't work tell her the truth and that you want one because they are cool.


Originally Posted by Memphis
Tell you mom that you want a marine tank so you can learn about biology, chemistry, and zoology. If that doesn't work tell her the truth and that you want one because they are cool.

Don't forget the part about delicate ecological balance and appreciating nature. Marine Biology, Ecological Systems, Invertebrates if you so choose, Aquatic Husbandry, Disease management-epidemiology(hope you never have to) Biochemistry, chemistry, zoology, etc. Oh yeah i can pile a whole bunch of academic plusses on this.....
ooh forgot microbiology for all of the bacterial growth!


tell her, freshwater are nice, but very easy to maintain, and do not take up much time at all, a very easy hobby, which will allow for much more time spent underaged drinking and exploring differnt substances that will not only affect your brain but as well your wallet.
tell her i want a hobby i can spend time on, and wisely invest in, therefor a marine set up is much more ideal


Show her some of the stuff you can keep. If she finds an animal she likes, remind her that it's only for SW.


Originally Posted by HappyVac
Show her some of the stuff you can keep. If she finds an animal she likes, remind her that it's only for SW.
Oh yeah, that works, take her to that side of the store, get her ooohing and aaahing, then tell her its all saltwater. Watch that mind change


Or do what I did with my wife.....
promise to keep your room clean, and do the dishes every night, and stop staying out late.......


New Member
I know exactly how you feel. I'm even married with kids of my own and when I told my mom I'm about to start a reef tank she kept asking me why not fresh water. Now she just keeps asking me if I will have black mollies in the tank and no mater how many times I tell her that black mollies are fresh water fish, not salt water, she doesn't give up.


tell her if she doesn't let you, you will get a credit card and just charge it all anyways...just kidding, thats what i did and now i have the privalege of working an extra 10 hours a week to slowly pay off the 1500 i spent. Then again I quit smoking Nov 17, 2006 so all the money on smokes now goes to the tank... I still can't figure at what point the swf hobby is equilvalent to the smoking hobby. But all and all, my health is good, and now I have a pretty tank instead of ugly lungs. HIP HIP HORRAY!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Solarris
I know exactly how you feel. I'm even married with kids of my own and when I told my mom I'm about to start a reef tank she kept asking me why not fresh water. Now she just keeps asking me if I will have black mollies in the tank and no mater how many times I tell her that black mollies are fresh water fish, not salt water, she doesn't give up.

You can acclimate mollies to a marine tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Solarris
I know exactly how you feel. I'm even married with kids of my own and when I told my mom I'm about to start a reef tank she kept asking me why not fresh water. Now she just keeps asking me if I will have black mollies in the tank and no mater how many times I tell her that black mollies are fresh water fish, not salt water, she doesn't give up.

Get a nice big puffer or Lion, and have your mother over for dinner after not feeding the fish for a few days..Then, add your molleys..Problem solved


My mom asked the same thing.
Why didn't I combine fishes from my lil fresh water tank with my sw tank.
I told her, they are 2 different neighborhoods. They don't know each other. Can't let them live together or there will be fatality.
Weezer591, SW hobby is a serious hobby and it might cost you a fortune to pursuit this hobby.
I just realized I've already spent $2200 on a 55g SW tank in the past 2 months and the tank is still plain and not up for showing off yet. The cost didn't include the tank and the stand cuz I already owned them awhile ago.
So, spare those lunch $$ and do some part time job.
good luck.


I have 125 gallon freshwater and an 80 gallon saltwater and I get much more pleasure out of my saltwater tank.It is more challenging and absolutely more costely but if your up for the challenge and the expense it's the way to go.
I would probaly consider switching the 125 over to saltwater but I love and have a bond with my freshwater fish sooo I'll keep it the way it is.


New Member
My suggestion is as stated before, ask your mom to take you to a couple of different slatwater aquarium stores in your area to see what is possible. These stores usually have tanks setup that give you an idea of what you might want.
Also, and most important of all, write a contract that states you will take care of the aquarium and will follow all of the nescessary maintenance procedures explained to you by whom ever is teaching you about this hobby. Most important of all, sign the contract and LIVE BY YOUR WRITTEN WORD!!!
Good Luck and Have Fun!!!;


Active Member
Originally Posted by jayeden
tell her, freshwater are nice, but very easy to maintain, and do not take up much time at all, a very easy hobby, which will allow for much more time spent underaged drinking and exploring differnt substances that will not only affect your brain but as well your wallet.


I went through that with my wife. She finnaly let me get a 75 gal. Started off with FOWLR. She knew that I was doing a lot of researchng before I mixed water. A year after mixing up my first batch of water I found a 225 gal. My wife loves all of the creatures fish and corals. She just went out 2 weeks ago and bought her own 120 gal.