What to test for and what to add?


Does anyone have a complete list of what I should test for on a FOWLR? I know the basics like ammonia, NO2, NO3 and phospate, but what about other trace elements and what are acceptable levels? Also, I've been seeing that a fair number of people add elements to tank. I haven't added anything yet...should I...tanks been running for 1 mth.


Active Member
You may also test for silicates every now and then.
Additions...trace and maybe some vitamins...the trace elements wont need to be added for awhile. You should consider just letting your tank be for now...keep testing, do regular water changes, keep it all clean...you may be ok with that...I dont add much at all to my FO tank.


Well-Known Member
the two most important testkits IMO are the nitrIte and ph. I agree that you should not add anything especially for a fowrl setup. I would establish a thriving plant growth though.