What type of additives and supplements do you suggest


Im looking into what additives and supplements I will need for my tank. Just finished setting it up yesterday, Im expecting a very short cycle if it cycles out all, used alot of living rock from established tank and also some living sand from same tank. I will be keeping all types of corals. Im looking for something that is easy to dose. Tank is a 54G corner unit with overflows, also has a 15 gallon sump. It will be a onth or so before I start considering adding any corals just depends on how fast thing go. I know I will have to keep my calcium, alkilinity, and magnesium leves up which I have never monitored before on my old tank and it was just a FOWLR. I also need to know what test kits will work best to measure the alk, cal, and mag levels. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks