What type of Anemone...


I have a 20Gallon Hex tank that has been going for 14 months now. I have a 4" ultrafine figi sand base and two live rocks. (My main tank has much more.)
Anyway, I just bought a 150W MH clamp on light for this tank and want to buy an anemone for my two true percula clownfish that are in this tank. (I can't put an anemone in my main tank because I only run 3.9 watts of T-5 lights in it and I also have many corals in it as well.)Any suggestions for what I should get?


Reef, Would a percula possible go in a LTA? Since we have the lighting and the sandbed for one in this tank we were considering it. We have had BTA's in the our main tank and wanted something different this time.


There are many web sites that list what anemones and clowns will host. You should check them out and make a decision, but you need to take into consideation that yes you have MH lighting, but your tank is very tall and not a lot of room on the bottom because it is a hex. Also anemones need to be fed. Good luck and make your decision carefully. There is one positive though it should be easy to remove it if you or the anemone is unhappy. Carpet and LTA like sand beds, but they require a lot of light and room. Anemones will move to where they are happy and with the limited bottom space they maynot find a spot they like and may go into a pump and become injured or die.


That is a difficult decision.
My first thought is no anemone is such a small tank, it is of course harder to maintain a smaller tank simply due to the fact that bad things happen very quickly in them.
My second thought is that since it is a hex your also dealing with a smaller surface area, less oxygen exchange, and that is one reason that I have always steered away from a hex.
If you did this at all then all I would have in there is a BTA and the clown fish, that the sand bed and rocks is all I'd have.
Good luck with your decision.