what type of anemone?????


It would depend on the type of clown. If your wanting to host clarke clowns love long tentical nems, I had the nem for mths with false percs they never even looked at it. I got a clarke clown and he was hosting the nem within 2 hours. But it depends on the fish as well, there are posts on here of clowns hosting zoo corals


Active Member
all species of clowns like magnificas. they are the ultimate luxury anemone homes for clowns. but they get huge and need strong lighting.


Active Member
oh and to keep them healthy they need very strong lighting and very high chaotic flow. its very challenging but im up for the challenge one day.


Unless you have plenty of experience please don't consider a mag. They are very difficult to keep. Go for an easier (still considered difficult) I should say less demanding species. A bta a very good anemone to start with, while still requiring bright lighting it can get by on less intense lighting then most other species.