what type of anemones


New Member
I have a 24 Gallon Aqua Pod that I have had running for 3 weeks now. Lighting:
1-32w SunPaq dual daylight compact fluorescent lamp
1-32w SunPaq dual actinic compact fluorescent lamp
2 nocturnal blue lunar lights
290 gph pump and skimmer.
A friend is giving me a spotted puffer, as well as a clown fish. I am new to this, and head that spotted puffers eat soft coral, but is there any certain type they will not eat. As well I do not mind getting a small cheap anemones every month or so if he does eat it.
As well I was thinking about an Sand Sifting Cucumber. Is this okay with my puffer? as well what other type of cleaner crabs etc. can I put in with him?
any tips would be great


Your tank is not even done cycling yet and your thinking about getting an anemone? Why rush? Anemones need established tanks. When I say established, I mean like 6-8 months depending on how much liverock and how big your tank is. Not to mention, why would you get an anemone and put in in a 24 gallon with a puffer? Puffers need bigger tanks too!


Anemone need really strong lighting... 64 watts of flourescents won't suffice, sorry. Is it possible to upgrade your lights?


Originally Posted by joojoo
Anemone need really strong lighting... 64 watts of flourescents won't suffice, sorry. Is it possible to upgrade your lights?

joojoo, I was noticing your avatar and was wondering if that was your current anemone?


Yes it is, but that pic was taken last summer when I first ordered it from this website. It's healthier now


Originally Posted by joojoo
Yes it is, but that pic was taken last summer when I first ordered it from this website. It's healthier now

Good to hear.