What type of cleanup crew?


New Member
I have a 75 that I plan to put a lion, tang, and possibly trigger or puffer in. At any rate, it will most definitely be an aggressive tank. What type of cleanup crew (from the order section of this board) do you reccomend? I will have a 4-6 inch DSB. Although it will be a FOWLR, how many pounds of live rock do you reccommend. (can't get too much - I am also working on setting up a 40 gallon reef).
I appreciate your help.


Active Member
It really depends on what trigger, and puffer you get. My niger trigger, and porc puffer never bothered hermits, but both would devoire snails. My bluethroat trigger doesn't bother any hermits or snails. Also be aware that sometimes puffers and triggers will nip at lion fins. Sometimes they can be kept together, and somtimes not. Just something to keep in mind, and keep an eye on.
As far as LR I would get as much as you can afford. 75 lbs. would be ideal, but you could get away with less. What will you be using for filtration?


I know with my triggers its not if they will eat a clean up crew its when. They always figure out how to kill everything from snails to horseshoe crabs.